Traducción Inglés-Alemán para "gave"

"gave" en Alemán

[geiv] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprät>

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  • gave → ver „give
    gave → ver „give
he gave utterance to his rage
er machte seiner Wut (durch Worte) Luft
he gave utterance to his rage
he gave it (to) me
er gab es mir
he gave it (to) me
he gave us permission to leave
er gab uns Erlaubnis wegzugehen
he gave us permission to leave
he gave it a good shake
er schüttelteor | oder od rüttelte es tüchtig
he gave it a good shake
I gave him the book
ich gab ihm das Buch
I gave him the book
he gave me money
er gab mir das Geld
he gave me money
it gave me the horrors
es versetzte mich in kaltes Grausen
it gave me the horrors
I gave him one over the head
ich gab ihm einsor | oder od einen Schlag auf den Kopf
I gave him one over the head
finally my mother gave in
schließlich hat meine Mutter nachgegeben
finally my mother gave in
the officer gave the signal to advance
the officer gave the signal to advance
I gave him a sound trimming
ich verabreichte ihm eine gehörige Tracht Prügel
I gave him a sound trimming
it gave me much pleasure
es machte mir vielor | oder od großen Spaß
it gave me much pleasure
er machte es noch einmal
he gave a repeat performance
it gave me quite a shock
es hat mich ziemlich erschüttert
it gave me quite a shock
it gave me the creeps
es machte mich schaudern, es überlief mich eiskalt
it gave me the creeps
he gave me a toothy grin
er grinste mich anand | und u. entblößte dabei sein Pferdegebiss
he gave me a toothy grin
he gave us £5 apiece
er gab jedem von uns 5 Pfund
he gave us £5 apiece
they gave their suffrages for free trade
sie stimmten für Freihandel
they gave their suffrages for free trade
she gave him an old-fashioned look
sie sah ihn missbilligend an, sie warf ihm einen missbilligenden Blick zu
she gave him an old-fashioned look
our strength gave out
wir konnten nicht mehr
our strength gave out
Eine Bemerkung und eine Frage an den Vertreter des Rates: War seine Antwort eben etwa konkret?
A comment and question to the Council' s representative: is the answer he just gave us specific?
Fuente: Europarl
Der Erste, der eine solche Miliz zu Ehren brachte, war Alberigo da Como Romagnuolo.
The first who gave renown to this soldiery was Alberigo da Conio, the Romagnian.
Fuente: Books
Es klang so unwiderleglich, daß K. gar nicht antwortete.
It sounded so indisputable that K. gave no answer at all.
Fuente: Books
Die Erklärung des Rates gibt allerdings Anlaß zur Hoffnung für die Zukunft.
However, the Council statement gave me hope for the future.
Fuente: Europarl
Die Leute hier haben ihr einfach Amoxillin gegeben.
People around just gave her amoxiciline.
Fuente: GlobalVoices

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