[ˈkʌstədi]noun | Substantiv sVista general de todas las traducciones
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- Haftfeminine | Femininum fcustody legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detentionGewahrsammasculine | Maskulinum mcustody legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detentioncustody legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR detention
- protective custody
- in custodyinhaftiert
- (Ob)Hutfeminine | Femininum fcustody protection, keepingSchutzmasculine | Maskulinum mcustody protection, keepingBewachungfeminine | Femininum fcustody protection, keepingVerwahrungfeminine | Femininum fcustody protection, keepingcustody protection, keeping
- in sb’s custodyin jemandes Obhut, unter jemandes Schutz
- Aufsichtfeminine | Femininum f (of überaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)custody supervisioncustody supervision
- Sorgerechtneuter | Neutrum ncustody for childrencustody for children
- Verwaltungfeminine | Femininum fcustody rare | seltenselten (administration)custody rare | seltenselten (administration)
- Kustodiefeminine | Femininum fcustody religion | ReligionREL union of Franciscan monasteriescustody religion | ReligionREL union of Franciscan monasteries