[ˈnoutisəbl]adjective | Adjektiv adjVista general de todas las traducciones
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- erkennbar, wahrnehmbarnoticeable perceptiblenoticeable perceptible
- bemerkenswertnoticeable worthy of noticenoticeable worthy of notice
- noticeable conspicuous
- noticeable syn → ver „conspicuous“noticeable syn → ver „conspicuous“
- noticeable → ver „outstanding“noticeable → ver „outstanding“
- noticeable → ver „prominent“noticeable → ver „prominent“
- noticeable → ver „remarkable“noticeable → ver „remarkable“
- noticeable → ver „salient“noticeable → ver „salient“
- noticeable → ver „signal“noticeable → ver „signal“
- noticeable → ver „striking“noticeable → ver „striking“