„Aggregat“: Neutrum Aggregat [agreˈgaːt]Neutrum | neuter n <Aggregat(e)s; Aggregate> Vista general de todas las traducciones (Para obtener más detalles de la traducción, hacer clic/pulsar) aggregate, set of machines, unit aggregate class, aggregate, ensemble aggregate aggregate Aggregat Technik | engineeringTECH set of machines Aggregat Technik | engineeringTECH unit Aggregat Technik | engineeringTECH Aggregat Technik | engineeringTECH aggregate Aggregat Physik | physicsPHYS Aggregat Physik | physicsPHYS class Aggregat Mathematik Mathematik | mathematics mathematicsMATH aggregate Aggregat Mathematik Mathematik | mathematics mathematicsMATH ensemble Aggregat Mathematik Mathematik | mathematics mathematicsMATH Aggregat Mathematik Mathematik | mathematics mathematicsMATH aggregate Aggregat Biologie | biologyBIOL Aggregat Biologie | biologyBIOL