[ˈtemplit]noun | Substantiv sVista general de todas las traducciones
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- Dokumentvorlagefeminine | Femininum ftemplate informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieITtemplate informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
- Matrizefeminine | Femininum ftemplate biology | BiologieBIOLtemplate biology | BiologieBIOL
- Lehr-, Simsbrettneuter | Neutrum ntemplate engineering | TechnikTECH of bricklayertemplate engineering | TechnikTECH of bricklayer
- Schablonefeminine | Femininum ftemplate engineering | TechnikTECH of pottertemplate engineering | TechnikTECH of potter
- Unterlegermasculine | Maskulinum m, -lagbalkenmasculine | Maskulinum mtemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCHtemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCH
- (Dach)Pfettefeminine | Femininum ftemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCHtemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCH
- Kragholzneuter | Neutrum ntemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCHtemplate architecture | ArchitekturARCH
- Schablonefeminine | Femininum ftemplate nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFFMall-, Modellbrettneuter | Neutrum ntemplate nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFFtemplate nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF