„chordal“: adjective chordal [ˈkɔː(r)dl]adjective | Adjektiv adj Vista general de todas las traducciones (Para obtener más detalles de la traducción, hacer clic/pulsar) Sehnen… Saiten…, Akkord…, akkordisch Sehnen… chordal chordal ejemplos chordal process biology | BiologieBIOL Chordalfortsatz chordal process biology | BiologieBIOL chordal surface mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH Tangential-, Sehnenebene chordal surface mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH Saiten… chordal musical term | MusikMUS relating to strings chordal musical term | MusikMUS relating to strings Akkord…, akkordisch chordal musical term | MusikMUS relating to collection of notes chordal musical term | MusikMUS relating to collection of notes